Ohhhh, so you’re a curious reader !
Bla Bla Me: I‘m Idell. I am in my late-ish 30s and have a lovely cast of characters who fill up my life (see below). Life since 2002 has been in the South of France, in Montpellier to be exact. Before that I lived in New York City (it’s totally true, but I mention it because it’s a detail that often scores me cool points). I grew up in a little town in Pennsyltucky.
Eating profile:
Likes: All things veggie, edamame, pizza, dark chocolate, fizzy water
Dislikes: Industrialized animal products (ethical thing), anise and licorice (taste thing)
Weaknesses: Champagne, red wine
Bla Bla The Main Man: My husband and baby daddy is one of the most perfect people I know. Corny yes, but also true. He’s in his late-ish 40s and I tease him about it all the time, mostly because he seems younger than me. He grew up outside of Paris, did his PhD in Marseille, lived for a brief time in New York (our common denominator) before settling in Montpellier. He’s hilarious, our saving grace in a crazy life with little kids. Also: he is an invaluable asset in a trivia game; he knows all the capitals of every country in the world (for reals!), and has a knack for retaining all important dates in history. He’s also an excellent dancer, which sort of surprises people, because of his smarty-pants little white guy exterior.
Eating profile:
Likes: Exotic food, anything hot and spicy, good steak, salad, dark chocolate, raw veggies
Dislikes: Cooked vegetables (especially cabbage, carrots, broccoli, green beans, spinach)
Weaknesses: Champagne, red wine, pastis, saucisson, coke
Bla Bla The Teenager a.k.a. The Big Boss: The Big Boss, born in 2000 is handling the throes of adolescence with unprecedented grace and humor. He is growing up in Marseille and Montpellier (the latter every other weekend and school vacations). He loves American rap music and Game of Thrones. I’m on board for the latter, my dislike for the former makes me feel old.
Eating profile:
Likes: Rougail saucisse, spaghetti bolognese, sushi
Dislikes: Lentils, beans, some cooked vegetables
Weaknesses: Dr Pepper, Ben & Jerry’s
Bla Bla Sweet Yummy: The girliest of girls, born in 2008 is a self-proclaimed drama queen and certified fashionista. She enjoys recording herself doing “tutorials” of lots of different things in her spare time. She enjoys sleeping in, and we also enjoy her enjoying sleeping in.
Eating profile:
Likes: Salad (I suspect it’s the vinaigrette she’s after, the salad is just the vehicle), lentils, tomatoes, maple syrup, milk
Dislikes: Some cooked vegetables, onions
Weaknesses: Coke, candy, ice cream
Bla Bla Mister Mister: The baby of the bunch, Mister Mister joined the group in 2012. He likes riding his bike, driving us crazy, any kind of swimming experience and superheros. His favorite people are : The Big Boss, Sweet Yummy, and Nini.
Eating profile:
Likes: Pasta, rice, chick peas, apples, avocados
Dislikes: Some cooked vegetables
Weaknesses: Rice milk, ice cream, candy
Together we are The Fam!